Receptor Occupancy Calculator
You can use this tool to calculate the receptor occupancy at a given dose of your compound after intravenous administration or the required dose to reach a certain receptor occupancy.
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Two different algorithms are provided: a basic and an extended one. The basic algorithm can be used if the concentration of the compound is far greater than the concentration of the receptor. If the target receptor/target site is significantly more abundant than the compound per volume (>100x) then you’ll need to use the extended algorithm for which the values of 3 additional variables are required: the number of target cells/liter, the number of target molecules/cell, and the number of binding sites/target molecule.
Why did we develop this tool?
This tool is part of the blended course clinical development. It helps calculate the receptor occupancy of an injected compound at a given dose.
Receptor occupancy will determine if the desired effect is reached in the body.
Why is this tool special?
The Receptor Occupancy Calculator is part of the blended course Clinical Development and has been used by more than 150 course participants from around the world who are working on the development of new medical interventions in academia and industry. The blended course offers thorough understanding of the Question Based Clinical Development approach and a practical understanding of how to apply the concepts by analyzing the successes and failures of real R&D projects from academia and industry. Excellent candidates are invited to join the on-campus and on-campus extended courses where they have a chance to meet and work with peers from related fields and with contributors from leading life sciences companies.
Part of the course Clinical Product Development
Clinical development is crucial part of R&D for new products. Enhance your skills in selecting safe and informative starting doses using NOAEL and MABEL methods, and gain insight in project valuation calculations through case studies based on real-world R&D projects.