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Our courses are packed with animations, videos, infographics, and even custom build tools. On this page, we share several free resources from our courses. Use them to start learning today!
Clinical Trial Decision Tool
Free resource
From January 31 2022 the EU Clinical Trials Regulation (CTR 536/2014) is applicable in all member states of the European Union and European Economic Area for clinical trials with medicinal products including Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) and vaccines. This free tool helps you to determine whether your study is considered a clinical trial, a low-intervention clinical trial or is outside scope of the regulation.
Intellectual Property Online
License Agreement Builder
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With our License Agreement Builder, you can quickly and easily draft a license agreement for your new medical intervention. In each section, you can choose from a variety of paragraphs written by legal professionals, allowing you to simply drag-and-drop the relevant paragraphs. This free tool was developed for use in our online Intellectual Property course.
Market Approval Online
Market Approval Navigator
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The Market Approval Navigator is designed as a practical and easy to use tool to quickly identify relevant documents for market approval of biomedical interventions. Guidelines and guidance documents from European Medicines Agency (EMA), US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and International Council for Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) can be searched simultaneously for 1 or several key words.
Clinical Research in the Netherlands - Legislation & Procedures
How to submit your clinical research file in the Netherlands
Free resource
Are you planning to conduct clinical research in the Netherlands? This animation briefly explains the steps needed to submit your research file. To learn more about legislation and procedures surrounding clinical research in the Netherlands, join the course available for free on our website.
Intellectual Property Online
Patent routes
Free resource
There are several routes you can take to obtain a patent for your invention, and each route has both advantages and disadvantages with respect to the costs involved and the time until the patent is granted (or denied!). It’s important to understand that there is no one-size-fits-all route, and the route you choose will depend upon several factors, including your own considerations and strategy.
Market Approval Online
CTD explained
Free resource
CTD stands for a Common Technical Document. This animation walks you through the steps, needed to fill in the CTD.
Clinical Research in the Netherlands - Legislation & Procedures
Committee finder
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With this tool you’ll find the committees, competent authorities and other organizations involved in the legal review of your clinical research proposal in the Netherlands.
Clinical Development Online
rNPV explained
Free resource
The animation walks you through a practical example of how rNPV is calculated for a life sciences R&D project. rNPV (risk-adjusted Net Present Value) is a common way to assess R&D projects.
Clinical Development Online
Questions Optimizing Calculator
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This tool helps to optimize the development of novel medical interventions such as medicinal products, medical devices and medical nutrition. Using risk-adjusted project values to rank key scientific questions, the tool identifies the optimal path for developing a new medical intervention. Watch the tutorial from Dr. Saco de Visser, developer of the tool and course teacher of the course Clinical Development. Create an account to use the tool for free.
Intellectual Property Online
Intellectual Property history
Free resource
A brief history of the patent system Patent law has its roots in the Italian Renaissance and has evolved throughout history.
Clinical Research in the Netherlands - Legislation & Procedures
CCMO tasks
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With this tool you’ll find an overview of the large variety of tasks that are filled by the Dutch Central Committee on Human Research (Centrale Commissie Mensgebonden Onderzoek CCMO)
Clinical Development On-campus
Receptor Occupancy Calculator
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You can use this tool to calculate the receptor occupancy at a given dose of your compound after intravenous administration or the required dose to reach a certain receptor occupancy.