Discover our courses

Hands-on online and on-campus courses designed for postgraduate biomedical and pharmaceutical researchers, regulatory professionals, business developers, and Knowledge Transfer Office staff.

Clinical Product Development

Clinical product development plays a key role in bringing new products to market and patients. Gain expertise in determining safe and informative starting doses using NOAEL and MABEL approaches, and learn product development through real-world case studies.

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Clinical Research Regulation in the Netherlands

Before starting a medical research study, it is reviewed and approved by an authorized reviewing committee. Learn the practical steps to navigate the review system of clinical research. This course is specific for the Netherlands.

Intellectual Property

Obtaining a patent is a crucial step to safeguard the intellectual property of a novel biomedical intervention and to raise funding for its development. This course discusses the pros and cons of intellectual property and the do’s and don’ts to protect your biomedical invention in a timely manner.

Market Approval

Market Approval is mandatory at various milestones in the development of your novel biomedical intervention and need to be passed to move your product to the market and beyond.