
Scholarships are available for talented PhDs and post-docs, and cover 50% of the course fee for the online course Clinical Product Development, Intellectual Property and Market Approval.


You are eligible for a scholarship if:

  • You are a graduated physician-investigator or biomedical scientist and;
  • You are employed at Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI/AVL) or a University or University Medical Center or hospital in the Netherlands.


Please send your cv including your publication list and a brief motivation by email to  We will respond quickly to let you know if we still have scholarships available.

Online Market Approval course

Obtaining market approval is an important step in the development of a new biomedical product. In this course, you’ll learn how to find and interpret the relevant regulatory guidelines that will steer you through the development process. Real-world case studies, including the development of a gene therapy product and a fictitious mRNA-based vaccine, are presented to familiarize you with issues that can arise during development, as well as how to assess an Investigational Medicinal Product Dossier (IMPD).

Online Intellectual Property course

In this online learning-by-doing course you will learn the pros and cons of patent protection and how to protect your biomedical invention in a timely and optimally manner. In addition, you will learn the interplay between patent law and market exclusivity for medicinal products granted by regulatory agencies such as the FDA and EMA.

Online Clinical Product Development course

Clinical product development is a crucial step in bringing innovative products to market and improving patient care. In this interactive course, you will address the challenges of clinical product development through practical case studies, including the discovery of a new antibiotic with a novel mechanism of action, a medical device, and a medical nutritional product. You will also learn to determine a safe starting dose for First-inHuman trials using the NOAEL and MABEL methods. Additionally, the course introduces you to various project valuation techniques, such as risk-adjusted Net Present Value (NPV).

Paul Janssen Futurelab