Marcel Kenter

Paul Janssen Futurelab Leiden

Marcel Kenter studied molecular biology at Leiden University and obtained his PhD degree for his work on the genetics of the primate Major Histocompatibility Complex (Mhc) in the immunology department of Prof Johannes van Rood (Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), the Netherlands). He continued his post-doctoral work on virology at the department of Prof. Ab Osterhaus (Erasmus Medical Center, the Netherlands) and on gene therapy at the Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center. In 1999, he became the first executive director of the Central Committee Involving Human Subjects (CCMO); the competent authority for clinical trials with medicinal products in the Netherlands. He has been director of Paul Janssen Futurelab Leiden since 2015.  
profile of Marcel Kenter

Marcel Kenter is contributing to the following courses

Clinical Product Development

Clinical product development plays a key role in bringing new products to market and patients. Gain expertise in determining safe and informative starting doses using NOAEL and MABEL approaches, and learn product development through real-world case studies.

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Clinical Product Development On-campus

Clinical product development plays a key role in bringing new products to market and patients. Gain expertise in determining safe and informative starting doses using NOAEL and MABEL approaches, and learn product development through real-world case studies.

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Clinical Development On-campus Extended

Clinical product development plays a key role in bringing new products to market and patients. Gain expertise in determining safe and informative starting doses using NOAEL and MABEL approaches, and learn product development through real-world case studies.

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