€500,000 grant from ZonMw for Best Clinical Trial Proposal

This grant was awarded from 2016-2018 and is no longer available

ZonMw has made available a €500,000 grant for a candidate from the Clinical Development course. Candidates may compete in the Best Clinical Trial Proposal challenge and send in the clinical trial proposal that they wrote during the on-campus extended course; the third and final section of the blended course Clinical Development. The Paul Janssen Futurelab Selection Committee awards the best proposal with a nomination letter to obtain the highly competitive grant from ZonMw (the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development) for the execution of the winning research proposal.


You are eligible to apply for the ZonMw grant if:

  • You have successfully completed the PJFL Clinical Development online (+online exam) and on-campus courses;
  • Your proposal was developed during the Clinical Development On-campus Extended Course;
  • Your proposal concerns a trial design with a registered drug;
  • Your proposal concerns a trial to be conducted in a research institute or hospital in the Netherlands.

How to apply

A short summary of the proposed clinical trial must be submitted with application for the blended course Clinical Development. All eligible participants enrolled in the On-campus Extended course are encouraged to submit their proposals for the Best Clinical Trial Proposal challenge. Final details about the requirements of the proposals and the closing date for submission for the grant will be communicated during the course.

Winner of the Best Clinical Trial Proposal Challenge


Dr. Hein Coolen (Fair Medicine) 

in collaboration with Rosalie Luiten (Amsterdam UMC), Germaine Relyveld (NKI/AVL), Alexander van Akkooi (NKI/AVL) and Marcel Bekkenk (Amsterdam UMC)

for their proposal for the treatment of unresectable, Stage IIIB to IVM1c melanoma.


Dr. Marieke Pierik from Maastricht University Medical Center (MUMC+) 

for her proposal for improved first line treatment of Crohn disease.


Ruud Verstegen (Radboudumc)

for his proposal for the treatment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis.